Friday, February 1, 2013

Day Three at the OGS Conference

Saturday's highlights at the OGS Conference center around the OGS Luncheon and the First Families Banquet. The luncheon, which begins at 11:30am, is a good way to catch up on all the latest news from OGS. Individual members, as well as local chapters, will receive their yearly awards and recognition for outstanding service. Also, this year the winner of the Endowment Fund Raffle will be announced. Chicken salad and cheesecake are on the menu for this event.

The First Families Banquet is the ultimate event for those who have proved their ancestors before 1820 in Ohio. George C. Morgan will speak about visualizing your ancestor's lives through postcards and photos. It is important to "see" your ancestors in their surroundings in order to understand their lives. Roast sirloin, vegetables and chocolate cake will be served. Even if you are not being inducted into a lineage society, try to attend at least one of the induction ceremonies. Besides the benefit of meeting other family researchers, you will know what to expect when your hard work is accepted and it is your turn to receive the recognition you deserve.

As on Friday, the day begins at 8:00am with only 2 morning sessions. Lunch break begins at 10:30am and lasts til 1:30pm. If you are not attending the OGS Luncheon, this would be a good time to visit one of the many restaurants at The Banks. (I am sure there will be an information booth at the conference with many brochures on downtown Cinci.) Also, please note that this year the Exhibit Hall will close noon on Saturday, so make sure you don't miss those last minute purchases. 

Got Irish roots? If so, this is your day. Five sessions running from 8:00am to 5:30 pm covering everything Irish with one lecture devoted to Find My Past - a great source for Irish research. Also, a variety of international sessions on Scotland, Dutch, Frisian, Eastern Europe, German surnames, and Palantines will be offered. I admit I had to look up Frisian. It is a group of islands in the southeastern North Sea

Two "must see" sessions on Saturday. Forensic Genealogy. If you are a fan of CSI, you may want to find out how you can go from a basic genealogist to a forensic genealogist. Learn how to find the who, what, where, and when in your ancestors' lives.
House Genealogy.  I had the opportunity to explore a little "house genealogy" when I became interested in an unusual house in Swanton, Ohio. Turned out it had a very intriguing and mysterious past with a few ghosts. You might want to research your own home or perhaps an old Victorian mansion in your community. If so, you will not want to miss this session.

Note: Since there are many tech sessions at the conference, I will discuss them in another post.   

If you are planning on arriving at the conference on Thursday morning, remember to give yourself plenty of time. Plan ahead -- unless you thrive on stress. The opening session begins at 11:00am. There will be rush hour traffic jams on the expressways. You can expect to wait in line both outside and inside the hotel as people unload their cars and check in. Elevators will be tied up. You may have to wait in line to pick up your registration packet and then you will need to become familiar with the layout of the conference area. All this and still be in your seat at 11:am for the opening session. Whew!

For those of you who plan to arrive on Wednesday, the registration booth at the conference will be open from 5-7:00pm. 

The OGS Conference booklet can be found at

A Wow Moment! The 2014 OGS Conference will be held at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in Sandusky, Ohio. This will be a 5 day event from April 30 - May 4. Sounds like a great opportunity to expose the rest of the family to genealogy. Remember, it is never too early to start dropping hints for birthday and holiday presents. For those of you who don't know, Kalahari is a waterpark in northern Ohio about halfway between Toledo and Cleveland. Now is the time to start working this event into your budget!

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